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Showing posts with the label Things every college student should learn

Things every college student should learn

Here i will discuss about the things which every college student should learn to excel in his life and be more productive in nature so the things that are important to each and every college student are as follows. 1.Programming Programming is not only learning language's like C,C++,Java,C#,Ruby,Python etc.Programming is a different stuff which means how you create a logic for a problem to solve it efficiently and effectively and it also means how to try your logics to build new stuff through out your college life. 2.Event management skills Whether you want to built a business or you want to do a corporate job after studies you must need event management skills.So, whether you organise paper presentation,quiz competition or any other major event in the college this will surely help you build relations and your management skills throughout your life. 3.Public speaking skills As you communication skill is the most important part your entire life because of this you can convey your me