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Showing posts with the label Things college student must do

Things college students must do

There are many things which we do not consider important for our life during starting of our college days but afterwards we regret we should consider these things for our well beings.So,here i will discuss about some of the important stuff which we start as early as possible so the stuff are as follow. 1.Online platform of learning Now-a-days use of internet is increasing with an unmarkable speed.So, we have to utilise the use of internet in a better and much productive way rather than just surfing and time passing on internet.We should use it in a proper way to increase our skills and we should learn good stuff from internet as much as possible. 2.Join a gym or play sports Now-a-days joining a gym or playing sports or doing exercise is become very important because most of the time we just sit and complete our work this causes laziness in our body as well as it also effects our mind.Doing gym or playing sports or doing exercise regularly makes our body physically and mentally active a